
Search Ads 360

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Search Ads 360 is a search management tool that enables agencies and marketers to effectively manage some of the world’s most complex search marketing campaigns across numerous engines and media channels.

Web 3.0

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Web 3.0, also known as the decentralized web, is the third version of the Internet. It is a step forward from the existing Web 2.0 Internet. Web 3.0 is also thought to be more user-specific, ensuring data security and privacy while reducing the risk of Internet hacking.

Cyber Insurance

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Cyber insurance, sometimes known as cyber-liability insurance, protects organizations from the repercussions of cyberattacks and hacking.

Video Marketing

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Video marketing uses videos to promote and market a product or service, increase engagement on your digital and social platforms, educate your consumers and customers, and reach out to a new audience.

Google MUM Update

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MUM is a multimodal algorithm that evaluates information spanning multi-language text, graphics, video, and audio to deliver solutions to complex queries.

Internal Links

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Any link on your website that connects one page to another is an internal link. Links are used by both your users and search engines to find material on your website.

2G, 3G

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When cell phones transitioned from 1G to 2G, it was the first major upgrade. The fundamental distinction between the two mobile phone systems is that 2G networks employ digital radio signals. 3G, on the other hand, uses UMTS and sets the standards for most of the wireless technologies we’ve come to know and love.


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Discord is a free audio, video, and text chat service used to communicate and socialize with friends and communities.

Google Algorithm Update

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A Google algorithm update is a change to Google’s search engine that aims to improve the quality, relevancy, and overall user experience of the company’s search results.

Facebook Encrypted Messaging

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In an end-to-end encrypted conversation, the content of your messages and calls is protected from the minute it leaves your device until it reaches the receiver’s device. This implies that no one else can see or hear what’s sent or discussed, including Facebook.


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IndexNow is a simple ping that notifies search engines when a URL and its content has been added, modified, or deleted, allowing search engines to update their search results fast.

Twitter Carousel Ads


Carousel Ads are a unique Twitter format that allows advertisers to have up to six swipeable, edge-to-edge images or videos in a single Tweet, all of which may be clicked to take users to a website landing page or app download page.

Google Shopping

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Google Shopping, formerly known as Google Product Search, Google Products, and Froogle, is a Google service that allows users to search for and compare products on online shopping websites.

Facebook Groups

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Facebook Groups are a way for people with similar interests to communicate with one another. Users can form groups for anything they choose, such as a family reunion, an after-work sports team, or a book club.