
Types of Content Marketing

Last Updated: 3 weeks ago by BrodNeil

Content marketing is a very important marketing strategy that will boost your business.  There are many types of content marketing you can use no matter what the type and size of business you have.  If you ask what is best to use for your business, well, it actually depends on many factors, including your audience, the type of information you want to share, your goals, and more.

To help you decide what type of content to use, let us learn the common types of content marketing to help you convey various content for your audience.


Blogging is probably the most popular and most important type of content marketing.  It is an informational page in your website that relays relevant content on certain topics related to your business.  Blogging is how you get the attention of your target market and connect with them using your relevant content.  It is one of the best ways to improve traffic on your website and generate leads through Search Engine Optimization (SEO).


Video is another important form of content marketing that continues to be utilized by many marketers.  In fact, video marketing has evolved in different forms that make it even more popular.  It has evolved from the typical long-form videos to short-form, 360-degree videos, and live videos.   These videos can be promoted in your YouTube channel and can be shared in your blog, your email campaigns, and your social media accounts, among others.

  • Long-form videos usually tell stories, how-to content, and other demonstrative content.  These are usually shown in YouTube and shared in other platforms like social media channels and blogs.  
  • Short-form videos are great for social media sharing.  They are short, attention-grabbing, and engaging.  They can be used for product teasers, to reveal a new product, to answer FAQs, to show a short instruction, to show skills, and to make a challenge as in the case of TikTok challenge.
  • 360-degree videos are rather interactive and they give consumers a more controlled perspective.  They are great for use in real estate, gaming industry, and for presenting products. 
  • Live videos are also an effective way to build relationships with your audience.  Live videos can be used as a platform to create conversations and allow interaction with your viewers as you present something or share some information.


Podcast is an audio program that listeners can subscribe to and can listen to anytime they want. It is another growing form of content marketing, which grew from 18.5 episodes in 2018 to 30 million episodes this 2020.  Video podcasts are also being used by many marketers so that listeners will have an option to watch or listen to the content

The contents in podcasts can be just about anything relating to your industry and can involve just about anyone -from a solo personality to talks or interviews with one or more guests.  These podcasts may also be shared in your website and your social media accounts for promotion. 


Infographics are visual contents that can help your audience visualize data, instead of using plain words or numbers.  They convert complicated information to simpler and more understandable materials.  Infographics are great for presenting statistics, step-by-step instructions, and diagrams of your product or service.  If you want to present complex data in a straightforward, easy to understand, and attention-grabbing manner, using infographics is a great way to go.   

Below is an example of an infographic by cdc.gov used for a health campaign:

infographic example - types of content marketing cdc.gov


The term webinar is a combination of the words, “web” and “seminar”.  A webinar is a great way to share your knowledge and expertise to others.  It can also be used for product demonstrations and for training in different fields and industries.  Webinars, when done well, can help build good relationships and trust from your audience.       

Email newsletter

Email newsletter is a very important part of content marketing that is usually done on a monthly basis.  You only send newsletters to those who willingly subscribed to your email campaigns.   This gives you a great opportunity to build better relationships with your subscribers. 

Email newsletters are not focused on promoting or advertising, but on sharing information that may interest your subscribers, such as current events related to your business.  Newsletters usually have a conversational tone that gives a more personalized way of relating to customers, making it a great strategy to build loyalty. 


In digital marketing, eBooks provide a great wealth of information and knowledge to readers.  It may take more time, effort, and skills than other types of content marketing and it can be intimidating to make, but it would all be worthwhile.  eBooks can help establish your status to “expert” in your industry. eBooks are also easier for you to distribute and convenient for your readers, too.

Another marketing advantage of using eBooks is that it is typically gated.  This means that your readers must agree to provide certain information in exchange for the eBook. This will allow you to collect lead information that may be used for future promotions.

White papers

White papers are a long-form type of content that are at least 2,500 words in length and written in a more academic-style than other types of content marketing.  It is mostly used in B2B (business to business) marketing to promote a certain product, service, or technology/methodology through persuasive and factual evidence.  You can use a white paper to encourage prospective customers that your product or service is superior than others.     

White papers are also usually gated, which means it can be used to generate leads for future campaigns. 

Social media posts

Social media posting is probably one of the most popular and most convenient type of content marketing for small businesses.  It is very easy to manage and results can be easily monitored.  It is basically free, unless you go for sponsored posts. 

While there are many social media platforms out there, it is important to know where your audience is, so you know what platforms can be best utilized for your business.  Another tip is to know what day of the week and what time of the day is best to post your content.  Finally, be sure to post something that is short, simple, interesting, and engaging to get more likes and more clicks.    

Case studies

Case studies are stories of your customers that show how your product or business has helped them.  These are not just simply testimonials, but are more detailed stories that include facts, pictures, or maybe videos of their story.  For B2B marketing, showing numbers are very essential.

Case studies are very effective in convincing other customers to try out your product or service.  A lot of customers depend on others’ experiences and success stories before they try the products or services themselves.  Case studies also help consumers understand your product or your service better and how your business operates.  


Slideshows may sound like an unconventional type of content marketing, but it is very useful.  SlideShare, owned by LinkedIn, allows you to upload your slideshows and share them through social media or through a link on your website.  The successful contents you have in blog, in your infographics, or even in your white paper and case studies may be repurposed as SlideShare presentations.  Just remember to always include a link to your website and a call-to-action in your slideshow to get more traffic to your website.       

GIFS and memes

GIFs and memes are probably some of the most popular, shareable, and attention-grabbing types of content you can share on different platforms.  GIFs or Graphics Interchange Format are animated images or soundless video that loops continuously.  Memes, on the other hand, are viral images or screenshots from films with entertaining or relatable captions.

You can add these short content to your blogs, incorporate in your email, or share them on social media to add excitement to your main topic, as well as grab and retain the attention of your audience.  You can make your own GIFs or memes or make use of interesting and potentially viral ones circulating on the Internet.

Other types of content marketing

Other content marketing forms that you can use for your business include the following:

  • Checklist
  • Quizzes
  • Polls
  • E-Courses
  • Free Apps
  • Testimonials

You do not have to use all these types of content marketing formats to succeed.  Just be sure to assess your audience, the content you want to share, your goals, your needs, and your resources and then see which type of content marketing is best for your business

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